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Automating Adding Trello Cards from Specific JIRA Tickets

nin-ack May 4, 2020

There are a few ways to integrate JIRA with Trello and vice versa. None that I've found have exactly matched what I'm looking for, so anyone that could point me in the right direction (even if that's, well this doesn't exist write it yourself) is much appreciated!


I'm looking for a way to automatically add cards to Trello when tickets, matching specific criteria (e.g. Issue-Type-X) are created in JIRA. I would like these cards to contain a link to that issue, and the main content of the card (title) to match PROJECT-ID####: Summary_Here.



The integrations I have seen so far allow me to import tickets to Trello with two caveats:

1. It's not automated.

2. It does not allow for secure redaction. 

Point #2 - Secure Redaction: By this I mean there may be contents in the ticket(s) that are sensitive or may have a security impact for the organization. I would like to refrain from increasing the number of locations that that type of information can be found- meaning I want the tickets to only contain that summary, rather than the summary+chunks of technical information.


Any help with this would be awesome. Thank you!

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Iain Dooley
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May 4, 2020

@nin-ack this doesn't exist, but you could use Trellinator to write this yourself:

There's an undocumented feature in Trellinator for custom webhooks, basically you create a sheet in the Trellinator Google Sheet called "Custom Webhooks" and then put a function name in there, then that function will get the chance to handle any inbound requests, like this:

You can then use this URL as your webhook endpoint coming out of Jira:

where SCRIPTID is from the deployed web app URL.

You can also deploy your own instance of the Trellinator Buffer so you don't have to go via the TPP URL above:

You could also use Zapier to do this by accepting a webhook from Jira, and using javascript bits in Zapier to do your redactions, it'll be more fiddly and more expensive than using Trellinator though, Zapier always bites your ass in the long run ;)

nin-ack May 7, 2020

Lol looks like those are both Trellinator and Zapier are perfect options for what I need 👍. Thank you!

1 vote
Tracy Jones Martin October 29, 2021

How do I do just the first part of the request in the original question?  To "automatically add cards to Trello when tickets, matching specific criteria (e.g. "XYZ" Board) are created in JIRA. "

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Jillian Amyot _Unito_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 20, 2020

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