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Send Web Request Action to the Telegram Bot

roknet April 29, 2020

I have tried several ways to send a message to a telegram group when the customer created an issue. Telegram bot "SendMessage" is working fine but I want to send the issue data or custom data to the telegram group.

My Webhook URL is :

This URL is working fine but this is just a text message.

Please find the attached picture of my setting screen and the Audit also showing "success" message.Community Issue_SendWebRequest.PNG



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Bloompeak Support
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 29, 2020

Hi @roknet ,

You can do it with post request in the custom data part as below as long as your Webhook url accepts post http request.

Screen Shot 2020-04-29 at 21.45.05.png

roknet April 29, 2020


Thank you for the help.

I have tried the same and no error coming even the audit log also showing success.

When I post same URL on web it is showing success.

Please find the attached screenshots.audit log1.PNGCommunity Issue_SendWebRequest1.PNGweb test1.PNG

Bloompeak Support
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 29, 2020

You can not make a POST http request by typing the url on the browser. Once you type and enter the url in the browser, browser makes a GET http request. You should check if telegram api has http POST end point that you can send data.

roknet April 30, 2020

I have tried several ways but no luck. The telegram POST is working fine for others according to the forums.

roknet April 30, 2020

Hi @Bloompeak Support 

Thank you for your support.

I don't think this is a Telegram issue since many people using POST on telegram to receive notifications.

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