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How SLA work when has 2 start point

my November 25, 2019

Hi all, please help me about SLA

In matrix time  I select 2 items for Start

1.  Issue created

2. Assignee: change

Stop when Enter status: Done

SLA goal is 1h.


I created ticket when SLA counted 30min I changed assignee but SLA count didn't recount 

I think when I changed assignee then SLA should recount

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Olga Videc
Community Leader
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November 25, 2019

Hello @my 

You mean the SLA should reset?

No, it doesn't work that way SLA is triggered by one of those events, and by default, it can't be reseted.

If you want SLA to reset you will need a plugin.

BR, Olga

my November 25, 2019

Thank you very much Olga.

I think SLA should reset.

So If SLA has more than one event start then SLA start counting when one of event occurs 

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