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different customers in various projects

Soporte Grupo CFI July 19, 2019

Good morning,

I wanted to ask if there is any way that each project at JIRA Service Desk has different clients.

For example:

Project 1 - 50 clients
Project 2 - 100 clients.

Some may coincide and others may not.

That is to say to have two databases of clients, so that each one this assigned to a project, always inside the same account of JIRA.

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Jack Brickey
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July 19, 2019

JSD projects fully support independent defined Customers and Agents. They can be completely separate or have overlaps. Hopefully I am understanding your question here. Have you run into an issue attempting this?

Soporte Grupo CFI July 24, 2019

I do have a problem and I can't find a solution.

I am sure that with an example it will be easier to explain, and I would be very grateful if you could help me.

In JIRA SERVICE DESK I have two "External Service Desk" projects, in which I have configured so that requests from all over the world that I write to the corresponding email address, enter a queue.

So far so good, which is what happens, that in the CUSTOMERS section of the two projects, when a client writes to project A, this is duplicated in project B.

And if we go to [Configuracion - Gestion Usuarios - Jira Service Desk - Portal customers] and I delete any of them, they delete me from both projects.

In other words, I don't know how to make "Project A" have some clients and "Project B" others.


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