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JSD creates duplicate accounts

Jörg T_ May 6, 2019

We have Jira configured to use LDAP (AD) as a primary source for user-accounts, "JIRA Internal Directory" as secondary.

In our Service Desk projekt we have configured that everyone can share the issue by entering an Email address ("Any customer, by typing an email address").

Now I have found out that a lot of new users have been created in our JIRA internal directory, even if they (or their email) exist on the AD (using the email address as username in internal directory).



User from AD:
Username:  bsimpson
Full Name:  Bart Simpson
Email: (primary mail from AD)


If anyone adds someone via mail to a SD-Request a new user gets created in JIRA Internal Directory:
Full Name:


So we have duplicate user entries for same email address :-(

Any suggestions?

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 8, 2019


This sounds strange.  I would agree that I don't think Jira should be creating new accounts with the same email address for a user that already exists in jira with the same email address.  But perhaps this is a problem with the way Service Desk handles this.

Could you please let me know the following:

  • What version of Jira is this?
  • What version of Service Desk is in use here?
  • Does the new account creation only happen from emails processed by Service desk with those addresses in the TO or CC fields?  Or can a user in the customer portal enter in an existing email address of another account and that too creates a new account?

I'd like to try to recreate this scenario if I can learn more about your versions and setting here.  It sounds like it might be a bug, but I'd like to be sure before we create one here.


Jörg T_ May 9, 2019

Hi Andy,

thanks for your answer. See below my answers to your questions and some new findings:

  • Jira v 8.0.2
  • Service Desk v 4.0.2


It seems that it also has to do with people having signed in before. If I add someone via mail and the one had been logged in before it can match the accounts and does not create an Internal Directory entry.


When I am in the portal:

  • when sharing "Share this request":
    • Person in AD, not in Internal Directory, not logged in before:
      no suggestion (but could enter email-address)
    • Person in AD, not in Internal Directory, logged in before:
      existing account is suggested twice
    • Person in AD, different account with same email-address in Internal Directory, not logged in before:
      Internal Directory Account is suggested
    • Person not in AD:
      suggested if existing in Internal Directory

Hope this helps...

Best regards,


Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 10, 2019

Hi Joerg,

Thanks for detailing all that information here.  I tried to recreate this in my own environment.  However so far I have been unsuccessful.   I'd like to see if I can get a support zip from your environment.  With this information, I think I can learn a lot more about your specific environment that might be able to account for this discrepancy here.

Unfortunately, our Community site itself doesn't permit file uploads aside from images.  If you could upload this support zip to a service like Dropbox, google drive, or alike, and then share the link here, I'll take a look and see if I can better understand what is causing this.


Jörg T_ May 12, 2019

Hello Andrew,

sorry, I think I cannot upload the zip somewhere and post the link here. Is there a chance for sending it via mail directly? Or can I send a pm?


Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 13, 2019

Hi @Jörg T_ 

I created a support request on your behalf over in

Here you can upload your support zip and our support team can look into this more deeply.  I suspect that there might be something out of line in regards to the application encoding and/or database collation that Jira might be using here.  But that is mostly just a hunch here, I think that some more data about your environment from the support zip can probably give us more insights here.


Nani June 10, 2019

Hi @Andy Heinzer 

 I got same problem, how to overcome from this ?


Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 10, 2019

Hi @Nani 

I found that this support ticket ended up creating this new KB Sharing request by Email Address creates a new account instead of using the Existing ones.

In it they found that there appears to be a workaround where restarting Jira appears to be able to clear a user cache that can help avoid this problem.  So I hope that helps, please try that and let me know if this helps or not.

In the meantime, I think that this should probably be documented as a bug in regards to the user cache in Jira.  I will look into creating a new bug ticket for this.  Could you let me know what version of Jira and Service Desk you are running where you see this problem?


Nani June 10, 2019

Thanks for your info @Andy Heinzer I will look into it and will update you.

Sure, Here it is, right now I am using and got problem in Jira Service desk 8.1.0 (Latest Version) at Server side. 

Jeremiah Cargill September 16, 2021

Has anyone solved this problem. I have same issue.
Jira Core and Service environment.

I have 250 duplicate user accounts with same scenario.

-System creates user using full email address as username in Jira Internal Directory
-Days, weeks or months later System creates user using just username in LDAP directory
Leaving Jira with 2 active users accounts
-1 Jira Internal Directory user |
-1 LDAP Directory user | username

Not a user cache issue. Jira recently restarted.

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