Happy Wednesday Everyone!
At the beginning of the year, I had asked what your plans/aspirations for 2022 were.
If you missed out on that post, not a big deal. Since we are half way through 2022, I thought now was a great time to reflect on those answers and see where things are, and how we are all doing?
For myself, I had mentioned that for work, I was going to need to start exploring Opsgenie. That has not happened, a number of things have changed, and while it is still on the radar, there are more important things for me to tackle first! On a personal level, I was going to venture into the world of being a YouTube creator with Atlassian focused content. This has been a massive success! I can't even begin to thank everyone who has supported and continues to support my channel.
Ok, now it's your turn! Did you have any plans coming into 2022? Are they going well? Let me know in the comments below!
Have a great rest of the week!
Hello to all of our brand new Community members! We'd love to hear from all of you too!
@Joao Oliveira @JS KIM @Ken Gnau @Klaus Eisler @Lior Regev @Martin Mikkelsen @MERCEDES BENAVIDES CACHO @Nicole Christensen @Nicole Turchin @Othmane Zoheir @PeopleJoy Support @Raquel El Fakih @Saurabh Chandravanshi @Sergio Núñez @Sugandha Tripathi @Top Ten @Warrick Bayman @William Butler @Éloïse Guéritte @赵小雨 @Alex Shirokko @Alex Barski @Alin Atanasoaie @Arkadiusz @Artur Nogaj @Baharul Islam Mazumder @bbettke @Biz Brains @brobu @Carlos Navarro @Christine Ryser @DA Admin @Dan Vanuch @David Holman @Dominic Jodoin @Dominik Poważa @Eleazar Nwachukwu @Eric Estrella @Evelyn Milessi @Fernando Claros @golla shirisha @Gordon Bradford @GUELPA Nathalie @IMSAZ @Jardel Baldo @Jaroslav Ševčík @Jasmin Adlawan @Jennifer D @Jim Kavanaugh @JMB
Hello to all of our brand new Community members! We'd love to hear from all of you too!
@Joseph Petro @Justine Smith @Kaifa Mandal @Kanchan Kumar Sil @kick_vanDuivenbode @Kishan Borad @Matthieu Buot de l'Epine @Maxwell Schroeder @Mirella Albuquerque Nunes @The Careers Department @Oleksandr Pavlov @Olya Rosenberg @Pawan Choure @Pedro Sánchez @Philip Bollen @Philip Liedtke @Radha Calu @Ravi teja varma @Roksoliana Ben @StnVikas Dhanorkar @Suresh Kumar @thirupathi gotukula @Tommy Rosberg @Vincent Delannoy @Yashwant SS @Крис Лонер @Тимофей Инишев @이정영 @benjamin franklin @Cheong Jin Shi @Gabriel @Hoyeon Shin @Nickson Chan @Nikolay Petrov @pallav bose @Petra Entius @RNV Jira1 @Siddhant @Uros Arih @_Download2021 @Aavash @Abbas Ali @Abdu Elbakry @Adam @Adi Aston @Aditi Rathi @Admir Lejla @Afzal Patel @ahmed.sobhy @Alan Sheehan
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@Alexander Fedotov @Alexander Kreß @Alyxander VanHelsing @Amrit Kaur @Andre brueckner @Andrea Cimma @Andreas Kyriacou @Anna @Anna Wałęka @anoop jain @Anton von Borries @Arfaoui Jouda @Ariel Mantovani @Arthur Kulchenko @Ashish Rajbanshi @Barbara E_ Fuller @ben @Bertil Ljungbeck @Bowen Yu @Brad Johnston @Brianna Braatz @bwambale ben @Cameron Pilla @Candi Steinhour @Carolina Marcondes Neves @CHRISTOS.MARKAKIS @Cisig @daniel ben shushan @Dave Irwin @Destin Kellian @dfsdf sdfsdf @DHEERAJ KUMAR @Diane Dylan @Diep Nguyen @Diversity Equity Inclusion @diveshpatil @Dominik Leiter @Dor Avitan @Duy Pham @Edi Abdullah @Ela @Elham Dawoud @Emily Thraen @Enrique @Eric @Eric Chauvin @Esdras Eliwan (Coord. Gestão Socioambiental) @essai test @Evgeniy Sabilin @Felicita Calfat
Hello to all of our brand new Community members! We'd love to hear from all of you too!
@Felix Diaz @Francis Renaud @Francois Bertrand @Francois Burton @fromero88 @Gabriel Briere @gabriel omotosho @[deleted] @George Cunliffe @Georgi Doychev @Gerri @Gii @Gilson Pereira Fontes Junior @GMoney Tech @gotchabebe77 @Gunnar Kelders @holmes88 @HyoungSeung Lee @ignacio.urruty @Igor Tokarcik @ilya.vasilyev @Indhumathi V @JabezS @Jaipwamone @jam jake @James @javad_raisi @Jefferson Ribeiro Paz Lima @Jenish Bhujel @jennifer Mendiza lopez @Jerry Sun @Jesse Craciun @Jessica Manney @JiraAdminTest @Joanna Nitek @Jocelyn Philbrook @[deleted] @John Mutisya @John Ngo @John Wick @Jose Raul Ruiz Oquendo @Joseph Spitzig @Josh Scargill @julie.kamel @JY Kim @Jürgen Wagner @Kamrul Hasan @Karolina Staśkiewicz @Kate Birch @Kathy M. Quinn
Hello to all of our brand new Community members! We'd love to hear from all of you too!
@Kazuhiro Nagai @Ke Chen @Kegm Kcm @Konstantin Netrebenko @Kristof Kurpisz @Leandro Fernandes @leo.natanian @leolin @Leon Hernandez @lmayorg81 @LUIS ROLDAN @Lường Xuân Hùng @m bourgon @Maktumhusain Taseeladar @Manohar R @Manuel Navarro @Marco Di Rubbo @Marco Tizzano @Marios K @Marius Czaja @Mark Christopher Yang @Masoud Mm @Matis Aas @Matt Rosenbluth @Max Michalak mehmet.baysal@dzsi @micah.mcmullen @Michael Hauschild @Michel Koti @Mikhail Bogoslavtsev @Mikołaj Kowalski @Myckland Matthew @Naga Ravi Sankar Bhavaraju @Naseeb Ullah @Neeharika @Nick D_Agostino @Ninoska Medina @Omuni @Pagadala, Shivakumar (CSW) @Paul Bernard @Paul Doman @Paul James @Pavan kumar N @Pavel Chuprunov @Pavel Milkin @Pavin The New adventures @[deleted] @Peter Kutsch @Peter.VanderMeulen @Philip Viningston
Hello to all of our brand new Community members! We'd love to hear from all of you too!
@Piotr Turek @pmaisenovich @Prashant S @prikshit chauhan @Programa CEURS @Ram Bandari @Raul Herrera @Rob Ivory @Romain Verkindt @Ron Aisen @Ronna Erica Onting @Roxana van Raam @Rubén Oliver Serrano @Ryan Jarvis @Ryan Martin @[deleted] @S Begum @Saiteja Chalumuri @Sarah Talebi @Scott Hubay @sean jin @Sebastiano Pilla @selina suarez @Sergio @Sergio Garijo Contreras @Seth Dong @Seth Miranda @Shambhu Sagar @sharat bhaskar @Sharma, Bhupendra (Contractor) @Sharon Sahar @shiran_sidis @Simon Verbois @Sofia Abreu @SOWRABRATA BANERJEE @spwspaans @Susan Mantle @suzuki izumi @Syed Jarrar Naqvi @Syed Zameerulla Hussaini @Tadas Labudis @Tami Latko @taomin @TestExec @ThankGod Busari @Thomas @Thomas Kjorlaug @Tom Müller @tommythongsythavong @Tomás Carneiro
Hello to all of our brand new Community members! We'd love to hear from all of you too!
@tony Stark @Trevor.Harrison @Téo Lalanne @Varun Chaddha @Venkata.Kudumula @vikash sonar @Vinoth @Viswaja @Vlad Asimionesei @Vlada Vlada @Volkmar Kromat @Vilas Rajage @Wania Mir @Wesley McQueen-Oliver @xtharaka @Yaroslav Godsun @Yemi Akinto @Yiğit Kerem Oktay @yuanqimami @[deleted] @Ziad Tabbal @Гаврил @Дилноза Улугбекова @Прокофьева Марина @ธงชัย วันอ้น @នឿន ឆានុន @정철환(알렉스) @Oleg32 @tanner.stirrat @ĐỨC HÀ NGUYỄN
Hi, everyone, have a nice workday to all of you
Thanks @Jimmy Seddon for the welcoming message!
I just subscribed to your YT channel ...
Looking forward great videos for tools tricks and tips...
Thank you @Joao Oliveira! I really appreciate that!
I was feeling really depressed about the state of the world. Global warming, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the human suffering that resulted from that, the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial which threatened the destroy the last bit of trust in humanity, the awareness of the global economic situation with unemployment and many people not having enough resources to feed their children - it all seemed too much and I couldn't understand how some people could be all tweety birds and bunny rabbits on social media.
Then my psychiatrist reminded me that it was our duty to seek out the positive amongst the negative and focus on that for the sake of our own mental health. Initially it felt like I was betraying the Ukrainian population by allowing myself to feel happiness in spite of the fact that there is nothing concrete I can do to improve their circumstances.
I'm still getting used to this new way of not allowing my knowledge of all the misery that exists in the world to prevent me from feeling any joy at all. I'm learning that being morose because of others' suffering doesn't really help to alleviate their suffering. Of course, that does not mean that I stopped feeling huge empathy towards all those who are struggling. I can all too easily imagine what it must be like to be facing such unsurmountable challenges.
Thank you for the insights @NelCapeTown! I think your psychiatrist is right. Being miserable because of someone else's suffering doesn't help motivate you to do anything.
However, if you come at things from a positive mindset, it might help give you the motivation you need to get out there and does something to help those that are suffering.
@NelCapeTown I found the solution to this weight of the world by concentrating on the people around me and trying to be there for them. In a sense I turned my inner darkness into outward light for my people, knowing that if I can light their lives they will in turn light others. And by chain reaction these might be Ukranians, people facing racism, queer people struggling with their identity, or even Johnny Depp 😁
@Jimmy Seddon thanks for the link to the previous post, I needed to look back at to see what I had posted for this follow-up.
2022 Goals Update
- Still on track with Participation.
- Took the deep dive and joined as an Atlassian Community Leader
- Have been focusing on delegating for elevating - and not just doing things myself.
- Cycling Goals
- Already have 3 indoor rides under my belt (believe me, my belt can use some less stress!)
- Been focusing on smaller wins - not every Zwift ride needs to be 90 minutes at full gas. 30-45 minutes and taking it easy will have me ahead of my annual goal (even if it means my average ride is shorter)
I've also dived into Trello as my new Atlassian drug of choice, joining Confluence and Jira in the toolbox. I am trying to learn something new each day, and since I started utilizing Trello in late Dcember have seen my daily productivity rise.
So, rising productivity and falling waistline - ON TRACK!
P.S. I am also subscribed to Jimmy Talks Jira and adding that my goals!
The good news is that I am still on track with all of the above, and this reminder gave me a source of joy which I didn't expect this morning. It is a nice way to start the day!
Awesome! Glad to hear it @Andy Gladstone!
@Ariel Mantovani there are tons of smart, friendly people for you to learn from here!
Just to be clear... I'm not a mermaid nor laundry soap... :D
I want this to be a thing :
Restricting the Update Notification email to show only the section/part of the page that changed on Confluence
@Jimmy Seddon Hi Buddy, it's been a while here in the Community 😃
I have to say that I have improved my emotional and personal goals, mainly because I've been in the middle of role transitioning quite unexpectedly but so great for me, and I'm peacefully dealing more than ever (In the past, I would struggle with it to handle everything). Which is helping me a lot in my personal goals.
For this reason, I'm so grateful and happy for this movement in my career. It has made me so happy!
But I don't take everything for granted, so I'll keep working on it.
Great, I have new years resolutions/aspirations in emotional and personal goals.
For example, I want to learn new things, know more places (respecting the Covid), and be even more healthy (mind and body).
With these, I'll be able to do many other things.
Have a lovely year!
That's great to hear @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro! Congratulations!
Thank you @Jimmy Seddon !!
Recent Professional Goal: To help customers in their migration journey to Cloud in this new year.
Currently, I am working with one such customer to help migrate their Jira and Confluence Server instances to Atlassian Cloud. It is going to be a great learning for me as well as I am going to use JCMA for the first time for Jira migration. I have always used Site XML import method before this.
I remember that I mentioned the above professional goal in your very first "Welcome Wednesday" post of this year.
I think that I have done very well towards achieving that goal of learning JCMA and using it to migrate Jira Server data to Jira Cloud. Currently, we are planning for PROD migration and expecting it to go smoother, especially when the projects have a large number of issues and custom fields. Hopefully, this successful migration will give me confidence to take up similar migration projects in near future.
Have a great Wedneaday, everyone!
That's wonderful to hear @Taranjeet Singh! I really hope your PROD migration goes well.
Thank you, @Jimmy Seddon !
I made some progress with all my goals for the first bit of the year but then we had some unexpected unemployment and other weird stuff going on so I've only been picking threads back up in the last month or so. But it's getting there. Might be snails pace but forwards is forwards 😁
Thanks for the welcome and happy to be here! I'm working as Customer Support for Trello Blue Cat power-ups (and more) and looking to help everyone make the best out of Trello.
I'm excited as I started the Google UX course, my goal is to master human interaction in general and focus on digital products in particular.
Lately I've been growing a lot on a personal level which is mostly due to stepping into more confidence and a little discomfort. I discovered I connect very well with amazing people and am really good at living in the present.