Hi Everyone, just trying it out for the first time. And I think I'd need help. Instructions, guidance and help in any form are welcome.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot @Kristján Geir Mathiesen
@adeyinka adeniyi Welcome aboard. You can also find free product trainings here: https://university.atlassian.com/student/catalog/list?category_ids=21734-free-training
Hello and Welcome @adeyinka adeniyi !
We are glad you are here!!
Welcome @adeyinka adeniyi !
Have fun with learning, I am sure you will like it.
Welcome to the Community @adeyinka adeniyi!
@adeyinka adeniyi Welcome to the Community! Be sure to check out any product collections that interest you, as well as our member journey and Friday Fun. 😄
Join the club @adeyinka adeniyi I think we all are here for the same: sharing and learning!! Welcome.