I am working as a Scrum Master for a IT team. A friend referred to this community as good to join. So, I am here, eager to learn more and contribute!!
Welcome to The Community, @Arshi Khan(TCS) ! This place is great to learn more about Atlassian, Agile and related concepts, and to share and connect with other members. Everyone is friendly and willing to help around here! :-)
Welcome but I am still taking baby steps. I haven't given it much time to get into it as there are some balls to juggle at work. We have a good Scrum Master who takes on most of the load and ensures we keep up to date with our tasks and stories and completing tasks in a timely manner.
Welcome to the community.
@Arshi Khan(TCS) We're so glad you're here! Be sure to check out the product collections that interest you, as well as threads like Friday Fun and "Three Things," where people share what they wish they had known in their first few weeks here.