Happy Wednesday Everyone!
A few community leaders were have a conversation not too long ago about nicknames. If you had one, where you got it and is it something people still know you by?
My question for you this week: Do you have, or have you ever had a nickname? Can you tell us about it?
For myself, I’ve had a couple. Growing up my parents always called me Jamie (and in fact they still do to this day). In High School, I started going by games to be a bit more formal. In my College years, I had a group of friends that I played video games with regularly , and our game of choice was Starcraft. I got the nickname “Jimmy“ as a loose connection to Jim Raynor, one of the characters within the game.
When I graduated and started looking for my first job, I found a great start in a customer support position for a company that made issue tracking and version control software (no it wasn’t Atlassian). I had applied as “James“ to be professional, and my first day as I was being taking around and introduced to the team, this guy came up from behind me yelling “JIMMY, I didn’t know you were working here?“. One of my college gaming buddies and I had applied at the same company and started a few weeks apart.
As much as my employment record shows I was employed as James, everyone called me Jimmy. Additionally, just by luck every company I have worked at has employed (even for a brief time) someone I have previously worked with, and the nickname has continued to follow me.
Alright, it’s your turn, I’d love to hear your stories in the comments below!
Have a great rest of the week!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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