Hi Everyone!
Time really flies when you are having fun, and it feels like it’s moving at lightspeed on the Community!
Where did the summer go? August has been an extremely active month. The Atlympics contributed even more amazing content in addition to what you can normally find!
Let’s dive into the August highlights!
First up, as always, we need to talk about this month’s new badge on the Community: Collaboratory. If you haven’t been following the Collaboratory series, you should go check it out! While you are at it, why not earn yourself another badge for your profile.
We have not one, but two important Community Release note updates. You should check them both out as there have been some significant changes to the Community platform you will want to read about.
I’m sure at some point in your travels on the Online Community, you will have met the man/myth/legend @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- . If you haven’t trust me, you will very soon! Nic has reached an EPIC milestone within the Community, 10000 accepted answers! I don’t think I have event made 10000 posts/comments. Stop by and give him a congratulations!
The Atlassian Trust Center has been updated to include a new section for Compliance resources. For anyone that has gone through or is currently going through a software audit, this section might help make your life easier.
For all you Trello fans out there, Revamped Plans & Pricing have recently been announced! Take a look to see how this might affect you (or in my case it benefited me).
Fresh off the press is a collection of videos to help walk you through the steps of the Cloud Migration process. Having been through that process myself without this help, I strongly recommend anyone considering a migration to the Cloud platform check these out.
This was too cool not to share. Jira Service Management (Cloud Premium) includes Insight for asset management. This article shows the power of combining Automation & Insight to power the approval process of your Service Management projects.
Next up, @Svenja Lorenzen has a fun way to break up those long, tiring zoom meetings with a team collaboration game to get you energized again!
We’ve all likely been a new employee at one point or another, and we know that onboarding is an extremely important step in getting new employees started on the right foot. But, I’m willing to bet you have never seen Confluence used quite to the same level as @Teodora V _Fun Inc_ has outlined in this amazing piece.
Continuing the theme of being new, @Jack Brickey has a wonderful starter guide for Jira Newbies! For everyone new to Jira, you should take a look. For veterans, feel free to help out by adding your own advice in the comments.
Finally, some solid advice from @Ilona_Mibex Software on being successful with smaller/shorter DevOps cycles!
Still looking for more? Here are a few of the trending discussions you might want to check out and join the conversation.
I have always believed in trying something, assessing how it went, and making adjustments as required. This month we are trying something new. You will see an additional article posted titled “Community Webinar Opportunities: September 2021“. I’m always disappointed when I see that as a part of gathering up articles for the Monthly round up, we have missed the opportunity to let people know about webinars that have happened during the month. The objective of this new article is that it will be updated throughout the month as webinar opportunities come up. I will do my best to keep an eye out for them, however feel free to @mention me in a comment on that article with a link to the Community post and I will be sure to update the article.
I hope everyone enjoys what little time we have left of the summer and remember this is just a small sample of all the amazing content for you to explore on your own.
I’ll see you all again next month!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
181 accepted answers