Happy Monday community ☀️,
another week went by and Monday is here again and with it a roundup of the latest Atlassian news 👀 Last week wasn't as eventful in terms of new product announcements but there were some events you definitely don't want to miss!
Team-managed projects: Show or Hide Issues of a Certain Status on the Board and Backlog
With the latest improvements to team-managed projects, you'll be able to hide issues with a certain status on a board and backlog. What a useful feature to have when you're looking to create more than one resolution status.
Team ‘22 Registration is now open and we can’t wait to see you!
Registration for Team'22 is open! If you're planning to visit the event in Vegas in person go ahead to get your early bird tickets. If you can't make it to Vegas you can also register for an online event OR attend one of the viewing parties in one of the local Atlassian Community groups. 🍿
In case you missed it Atlassian ran a weekend ad in the New York Times asking business leaders to join climate action initiatives🌱
🚨 Wanted: lessons & tips for working on a team, particularly relevant for today
Don't miss an opportunity to help others with your teamwork advice for 2022. The best ones will be featured in the Atlassian WorkLife blog and you can also get a chance to win a cozy blanket. Come join the discussions 🤓
4 communication styles and how to navigate them in the workplace
What a great article to improve your interpersonal skills. Learn about 4 communication types - Dominant, Influencer, Steady and Conscientious. Identify which one are you and your teammates, and learn about their strengths and weaknesses.
Have a great week everyone! 👋
We run Monday coffee with Jexo podcast weekly on Youtube and Spotify, subscribe so you don't miss the next episode!
Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_
Lead Product Manager
29 accepted answers