Good morning community ☀️,
another week another roundup of the latest news from the Atlassian ecosystem.
But this time we got a special guest @Fun Man Andy🤩 to introduce the most exciting ACE event!
So let's have a look at this weeks roundup 👇
We run Monday coffee with Jexo podcast weekly on Youtube and Spotify, subscribe so you don't miss the next episode!
🚀 Latest new improvements to the Atlassian products
Introducing Findable Drafts - a better way to start, pause, and resume your work
You'll be able to find Confluence page drafts in your page tree view where you created them, on-page cards indexed and searchable, and in your home view on the "Pick up where you left off" section.
Content icons, drag and drop, and more for Confluence shortcuts!
With the latest improvements to Confluence shortcuts, you'll be able to add icons to your shortcuts, change order using drag and drop, and remove shortcuts directly from the list.
👀 Important announcements
Join Jira July activities in the Atlassian community! For example composing a haiku poem about Jira, saying thank you to your admins on Jira Admin Appreciation Day, asking questions during Jira Office hours, and more!
Find this week's events on 👉 Events roundup
Cloud Transformation for the Masses!!! - Hybrid ACE event in Rotterdam
On July 21, 2022, join Rotterdam ACE team for an exciting full hybrid event on Cloud Migrations!
Cloud leaders, industry experts, and practitioners will come together to reflect on their cloud transformation journey and discuss their lessons learned across the virtual table.
The event will be hosted both in-person and virtually, and streamed live on YouTube, with a professional doodleist brain-mapping the entire discussion as it happens!
Amazing, right? Check it out and RSVP.
📚 Article of the week
Hear us out! If you’re not doing these 3 things, you’re not practicing active listening
Learn what are the differences between active and passive listening, how you can improve your active listening skills and why you should care.
Thank you so much @Fun Man Andy for joining us on Monday coffee 💚☕️
have a great week everyone!
Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_
Lead Product Manager
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