We had a last minute cancellation for Miscellaneous Monday, but the show must go on!
This post is an ode to @Thomas Schlegel and his Holiday themed collaborative story posts of the past, and to @Meg Bailey who had an amazing Confluence Holiday Workshop Mad Lib in 2021.
Here is the text for each of you to fill out in your Mad Lib below. Feel free to just list your words or build the Mad Lib fully into your comment.
Bonus points in tagging a community member's name in the [PERSONS NAME] slots and getting them to submit their own entry!
It was a [ADJECTIVE] and [ADVERB] day. I was tired of sitting in the [NOUN] and decided to [VERB] through the forests outside. As I [ADVERB] up my [PLURAL NOUN] and [ADVERB] to get ready, I could already smell the [NOUN] and the [PLURAL NOUN] of the forest.
As I opened my door, the sight of [PLURAL NOUN] and [PLURAL NOUN] left me [ADJECTIVE]. I began my [NOUN] through [PLACE] and quickly was alone with my [PLURAL NOUN].
Soon though I came across [PERSONS NAME] and asked them to join me on my trek - because it would be [ADJECTIVE] alone, possible [ADVERB].
[PERSONS NAME] was an Atlassian Community [NOUN] and loved the [PLURAL NOUN] and the [NOUN]. Their company made the [VERB] so much more [ADJECTIVE] and [ADJECTIVE].
When we got back, we checked the Atlassian Community to see how [ADJECTIVE] @Monique vdB's Thermometer has risen for Trees II: The Likening and [ADVERB] that our post would help it [ADVERB].
Word Bank
Have fun, let's get some more comments and likes and plant more trees!
Also, click here to get involved and reserve your own Monday as Miscellaneous Monday Author!
I think Atlassian is going need to pay you royalties on the new tagline - Quick Alone, Possible Unexpectedly! Thanks for the A+ submission.
Here is mine (I did not peek!)
It was a [SUNNY] and [FAST] day. I was tired of sitting in the [BIKE] and decided to [FAST] through the forests outside. As I [QUICKLY] up my [SHOES] and [HASTILY] to get ready, I could already smell the [OUTSIDE] and the [SUNGLASSES] of the forest.
As I opened my door, the sight of [SOCKS] and [GAMES] left me [HAPPY]. I began my [CARPET] through [CANADA] and quickly was alone with my [KNEES].
Soon though I came across [@Jimmy Seddon] and asked them to join me on my trek - because it would be [EXCITED] alone, possible [SPEEDILY].
[JIMMY] was an Atlassian Community [TRUNK] and loved the [LEAVES] and the [HOME]. Their company made the [RUN] so much more [QUICK] and [SLOW].
When we got back, we checked the Atlassian Community to see how [HIGH] @Monique vdB's Thermometer has risen for Trees II: The Likening and [HAPPILY] that our post would help it [BRILLIANTLY].
Word Bank
Here's mine, without peeking as well
It was a cool and windy day. I was tired of sitting in the tomatoes and decided to go skiing through the forests outside. As I zipped up my hotpants and stumbled on to get ready, I could already smell the waffle and the pancakes of the forest.
As I opened my door, the sight of snowflakes and leprechauns left me breathless. I began my slalom through la-la-land and quickly was alone with my thoughts.
Soon though I came across @carolyn french and asked them to join me on my trek - because it would be challenging alone, possible boring too.
Carolyn was an Atlassian Community Leader and loved the pancakes and the waffle. Their company made the hike so much more entertaining and fun.
When we got back, we checked the Atlassian Community to see how astronomically@Monique vdB's Thermometer has risen for Trees II: The Likening and confirmed that our post would help it explode!
Not sure if I should repeat the word bank once more. Happy to do so if that's they way to go, @Andy Gladstone!
@Walter Buggenhout ahhaaha your hotpants... 😂
hahaha. these are great. I have not had enough coffee yet to give this a go, but maybe later! Love MadLibs!
Thank you @Andy Gladstone for this hilarious idea... now on to read everyone else's!
It was an [obsolete] and [wicked] day. I was tired of sitting in the [bicycle] and decided to [orate] through the forests outside. As I [figuratively locked] up my [M&Ms] and [frantically baked] to get ready, I could already smell the [fire escape] and the [courtiers] of the forest.
As I opened my door, the sight of [eggs] and [paintings] left me [abstract]. I began my [badminton shuttle] through [the Amsterdam office of Atlassian] and quickly was alone with my [books].
Soon though I came across [@Summer Hogan] and asked them to join me on my trek - because it would be [creative] alone, possible [wisely].
[Summer] was an Atlassian Community [canal boat] and loved the [windmills] and the [shovel]. Their company made the [banana slug] so much more [special] and [suspenseful].
When we got back, we checked the Atlassian Community to see how [shivery] @Monique vdB's Thermometer has risen for Trees II: The Likening and [weakened] that our post would help it [sacredly].
@Andy Gladstone (your "click here" link doesn't work, sadly!)
Love it @Monique vdB!
Yours makes a whole lot more sense than mine did since I just used adverbs... :-D
@Amanda Barber well I changed my adverbs to other parts of speech when I realized adverbs wouldn't work 😆
It's an art, not a science. Any interpretations are acceptable!
It was a [wicked] and [always] day. I was tired of sitting in the [cactus] and decided to [sweat] through the forests outside. As I [angrily] up my [bakery] and [stupidly] to get ready, I could already smell the [smoke] and the [hawks] of the forest.
As I opened my door, the sight of [sloths] and [iPads] left me [hot]. I began my [computer] through [Hawaii] and quickly was alone with my [alligator].
Soon though I came across [@Monique vdB] and asked them to join me on my trek - because it would be [sketchy] alone, possible [patiently].
[Queen Mo] was an Atlassian Community [mother] and loved the [falcons] and the [water]. Their company made the [sweat] so much more [sweeter] and [colder].
When we got back, we checked the Atlassian Community to see how [fantastic] @Monique vdB's Thermometer has risen for Trees II: The Likening and [beautifully] that our post would help it [quietly].
I don't know if anyone can tell from some of the words I used, but I live in HOT Arizona and my AC went out last night. It's been 16 hours now without AC and I'm melting! Hence the use of all the hot words!
Wow! Under those conditions I am surprised that you had enough strength to craft this response! Sending you some A/C vibes! ❄
Thanks @Andy Gladstone! Me too!
It was a [hot] and [sweaty] day. I was tired of sitting in the [sun] and decided to [hike] through the forests outside. As I [carefully] up my [plans] and [thoroughly] to get ready, I could already smell the [pine trees] and the [scents] of the forest.
As I opened my door, the sight of [cars] and [busses] left me [disappointed]. I began my [walk] through [HaHa Tonka park] and quickly was alone with my [thoughts].
Soon though I came across [@Summer Hogan ] and asked them to join me on my trek - because it would be [very] alone, possible [unfriendly].
[Summer] was an Atlassian Community [Leader] and loved the [community] and the [comradery]. Their company made the [hike] so much more [pleasant] and [peaceful].
When we got back, we checked the Atlassian Community to see how [quickly] @Monique vdB's Thermometer has risen for Trees II: The Likening and [supportive] that our post would help it [mature].
Word Bank:
1. hot
2. sweaty
3. sun
4. hike
5. carefully
6. plans
7.. thoroughly
8. pine trees
9. scents
10. cars
11. busses
12. disappointed
13. walk
14. HaHa Tonka park
15. thoughts
16. @Summer Hogan
17. very
18. unfriendly
19. Summer
20. Leader
21. community
22. comradery
23. hike
24. pleasant
25. peaceful
26. quickly
27. supportive
28. mature
Love this @Marjorie!
It was a [long] and [tiresome] day. I was tired of sitting in the [office] and decided to [explore] through the forests outside. As I [tied] up my [bootlaces] and [rushed] to get ready, I could already smell the [soil] and the [pine trees] of the forest.
As I opened my door, the sight of [ominous clouds] and [closed windows] left me [uncertain]. I began my [trek] through [forest] and quickly was alone with my [circling thoughts].
Soon though I came across [@Carolyn Allen] and asked them to join me on my trek - because it would be [tricky] alone, possibly [unnavigable].
[@Carolyn Allen was an Atlassian Community [member] and loved the [outdoors] and [adventure]. Their company made the [journey] so much more [fun] and [interesting].
When we got back, we checked the Atlassian Community to see how [rapidly] @Monique vdB's Thermometer has risen for Trees II: The Likening and [confident] that our post would help it [grow].
Word Bank