Lets talk about activities that keeps you active, both physically and mentally during this lockdown

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May 8, 2020

I'm incredibly pleased that mountain and trail biking has seen very little effect so I'm still able to get out for my usual rides!  Also participated in a few Yoga and Bar classes in my living room with my wife and daughter.  Daily walks with the dog are good for the soul as well as the body.  Just gotta find a way to "keep on keeping on".

Jodi LeBlanc
Rising Star
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June 20, 2020

Headspace has a great meditation collection - free during times of Covid-19:


Suvradip Paul
Rising Star
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September 10, 2021

I might be writing late as lockdowns might be over in many places. But, I can recall those days.

I think the if we follow some ground rules it would help us to stay fit both mentally and physically and I tried mostly and I found this effective.

  1. Try to follow a schedule for work and other activities
  2. Please keep a placeholder(i.e. might be half an hour a day) for Exercise and Mediation
  3. There might be news which can be negative or depressing so try to do any activity which creates a positivity/positive thinking.
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