Hey all,
The team I work on (99% Atlassian product focussed) is hiring in London and I'd love to be able to put the job post on the community, but, while I've searched the FAQ and Rules and can't see anything specifying job posts are not allowed, didn't want to accidentally overstep the mark (not uncommon for job posts to be banned from forums like this).
So, for a definitive answer - are job posts allowed?
Thanks Monique. Have voted on the jobs board suggestion.
I saw @Monique vdB reply and posted on the thread she mentioned for a Jobs Board as I think it would help companies seeking Atlassian experts to find passionate individuals.
Hope this helps
This would be perfect for the community - a job board would certainly be a great addition. I do agree with Monica that it will have to be maintained accordingly.
For anyone who is interested, please upvote this post by @[deleted].
We will also need an admin or two so let me know if you'd like to volunteer!
Happy to put my hand up to assist with admining a jobs board.
I like the idea of a job board. Up-voted!
@Monique vdB - while I posted the role (https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Removed-Posts/We-re-hiring-Do-you-want-to-work-with-the-Atlassian-suite-in/m-p/812150#M1764) earlier today, it then ended up in mod / removed posts. Wondering if you can shed any light on what might be the issue?
Thanks, CCM
@Craig Castle-Mead as mentioned above, job posts aren't allowed yet. Hoping we can have a job board up and running in the next few weeks, especially since you're willing to help moderate it!