Does the vulnerability CVE-2023-51467 affect JIRA / Confluence Cloud?

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January 2, 2024

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
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January 3, 2024

Hello @fernandavalverde ,

I can verify that we are not using the vulnerable framework.

The confusion came when Sonicwall posted an article falsely claiming Atlassian Jira and other products were also vulnerable.

Sonicwall looks to have taken the information from this page and concluded Jira is vulnerable with a misunderstanding in versioning.

We have contacted Prodsec, looking at the code in Jira DC, Jira Cloud, Confluence DC, and Confluence Cloud to confirm that WE ARE NOT USING THE VULNERABLE FRAMEWORK. Jira only uses a fork of Apache’s OfBiz Entity Engine module, which does not include the affected areas of code. Additionally, Confluence does not use the Entity Engine module at all.

Internally we are currently working with Crisis Comms to retract to Sonicwall blog that includes our products in the affected list but there will probably still be lingering articles out there that reference the report and incorrectly list our products in relation to this vulnerability.


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