Handling of multiple My Atlassian accounts

William Wynn
May 5, 2017

With the new single sign on through my.atlassian for all cloud accounts we have run into an issue because we have two separate cloud accounts for two parts of our business.

Because the feature set, branding, and customer base are so different we setup two different cloud accounts and many users have access to both. We setup user logins for each account like so:

  • user@productA.com
  • user@productB.com

This used to work really well. Employees often switch back and forth between the two.

After the migration to the new central login, Atlassian won't let anyone be logged into two accounts at the same time. Every time you switch from one tab to the other you see the "Did you use the wrong account?" message and are forced to login again. To make things worse the new login page is fancy and only displays either the username or the password field, but never both so it breaks most people's Password Managers.

This makes using two accounts basically unbearable and a huge waste of time.

Is there any way to support two accounts? Is there a way to migrate both emails to the same my.atlassian account? Is there a good way to switch all users of one of the system to using the other email on their account so they don't have to login 20x per day?

Just looking for something to make things work again. We can't go on like this much longer.


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Leefe Hicks
May 14, 2017

This does not fix the merging of accounts problem, but might be something you can work with till that gets sorted out.

My suggestion are to either:

  • Open the different sites in different browsers
  • Open one in a standard window, the other in an 'Incogneto' window. That way the one browser treats them as separate logins.
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William Wynn
May 15, 2017

Thanks, I think you're right that this is the only way to handle it right now. We'll just suggest this to people for the time being.

I hope Atlassian is at least considering this issue.

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Sergey Korotkov
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June 14, 2017

I have the same situation and you guys make my life a nightmare. I have to log-in dozens of times a day. Really strange change.

Suggestion to use another browser looks bad, I already have 4 cloud accounts and I don't want to use 3 browsers. I didn't get why I can't have multiple log-ins on multiple domains.

If you can't allow multiple accounts please implement switcher like it exists for Google.

Current situation is painful.


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Francis Peixoto
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September 14, 2017

The google example is what I find to be the best example of how to manage multiple accounts for a single product.

I have a work atlassian account (JIRA, Confluence, Hipchat), which doesn't have the same accesses and same platforms as my personal account (Community, JIRA, Hipchat).

I'm also a heavy Trello user, and I fear the day that Trello integrates into Atlassian's SSO platform because I juggle my personal Trello and my professional JIRA throughout my day. 

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Rok Pergarec
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September 7, 2017

I have multiple Chrome profiles for all my Atlassian accounts. I consider this a workaround. I know a lot of people that use JIRA on a day to day basis and many of them have more than one account, so I think Atlassian should at least take this issue into consideration.

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Atlassian Team
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October 5, 2017

Hey Rok/William,

We agree that the ability to switch between accounts would be a useful feature and we are planning to provide it. We’re investigating multiple options and would like to talk to you to understand more on your usage pattern to shape our solution. Would either of you have time to discuss this further via email / video call?

Product Management, Atlassian

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William Wynn
October 6, 2017

I'd be happy to discuss this with you. You can reach out to me at: williamw -a- cartrover -.com-

We can chat over email or schedule a time for a call.

Yura Laguta
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April 13, 2018

Adarsh, any update on the feature progress?
It's real pain. 
My use case is very simple, two accounts, one for work one for personal project.

Sergey Korotkov already provided example of what people need.

David Levy
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October 25, 2017

I also feel this situation is pretty unbearable

I am using Private Chrome tabs as a workaround, but then I lose the session on restart.
I ll use different browsers between my accounts now, thanks for the tip !

Please, fix the feature !!

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Ruthanne Norton
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November 6, 2017

In the same boat.  I have to have Firefox in one, Chrome in the other but since Chrome is my primary--when someone sends me a link on slack or on email that's intended for my Firefox login, I have to cut and paste the link instead.  I would love to have a switcher or a way to merge all Atlassian accounts to be able to access all of my Jira teams.

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Ben Van Aerde
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February 14, 2018

Is there any news on this matter?

It would be great if we could use different logins live, for different Atlassian subdomains. Now, we constantly need to switch between these accounts.

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Jorge Rodríguez
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March 1, 2018

Same issue here. To make things worse, when accessing the non-logged in workspace, log-out behavior is broken, so it's really a nightmare.

Gotta run in 'incognito' mode whenever I need to access a workspace with a different e-mail account.

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March 5, 2018

Having exactly the same problem! I need to clear cookies after I log-out so that I can log-in with the new account, which makes things worse and more time-consuming.

Duncan Richardson
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April 30, 2018

@Álvaro Martín, definitely try using Chrome Incognito side by side with normal Chrome so you can be logged into both at same time. Atleast till Atlassian fix this.

Alvaro Lopez
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May 9, 2018

Thanks for the suggestion Duncan! I ended up using two browsers (as I work with two Atlassian accounts, so far), so that I don't need to re-login every day.

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March 15, 2018

Something that makes the lack of multiple account support especially painful is opening links from Slack/Skype.

These obviously open in your primary browser, where you get an auth error if it's for a different business account, and then have to go copy-pasting to your alternate browser.

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Duncan Richardson
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April 16, 2018

Hoping for some acknowledgement from Atlassian that this is a real headache for many users.

Will we be getting a fix for this?

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Atlassian Team
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April 16, 2018

Hi @Duncan Richardson,

We know this is an important scenario and have not given up on it, we have it on our product backlog!. We’re working on a variety of other things related user management and administration at the moment. Will update this page once we are ready to ship Account Switcher for Atlassian account.



Ben Van Aerde
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April 17, 2018

Good to hear this is still on the roadmap. I'm not going to ask for an ETA :)

Sergey Korotkov
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April 17, 2018

:)... ETA will exactly match time to migrate to another tool how it was with HipChat versus Slack.  Guys, it's already ONE YEAR after the issue was originally posted.

Jamie Arkin
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May 2, 2018

Any news, this problem really is a nightmare.

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Nikita Marchenko
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May 4, 2018

Any updates? And I don't wanna a hear about backlog. I am developer.

btw, I have 4(FOUR) accounts

Tomorrow will be first year birthday of this bug.

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Jérémie Campari
May 4, 2018

Idem, I have 3 accounts, and it's a nightmare !

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Billy Stalnaker
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May 14, 2018

Def a major headache for me to login to two different accounts every time I have to switch between projects. This is not acceptable.

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Pavel Sich
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June 28, 2018

So any update on this? It is a bloody nightmare.

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Mateusz Russak
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July 13, 2018

Same problem, I have 3 accounts.

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Marsel Yalalov
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August 16, 2018

Still waiting for this... August 2018.

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
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August 17, 2018

Hello everyone!

I see a lot of you are looking for further updates on this issue, and I'm just writing to let you know that we're currently tracking progress at the request below:

  • ID-6456 Easily switch between Atlassian Accounts

It would be really helpful if you could all head over to to the link above and vote on the feature. This helps us track the demand for such a feature and properly prioritize it.

It is also useful if you can comment there with any feedback or use cases you want to provide so we can make sure that if the feature is implemented, we have your requirements in mind.

Lastly, you can watch the request in order to receive updates on any progress.

Thank you for your understanding!

Edited to add: I will be closing this thread now for additional replies, so please be sure to continue to update either feature request that applies to your situation. Be sure to vote on the requests as well! Thank you again for all your support.



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Atlassian Team
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August 17, 2018

Hi, there is also a feature request ID-240 Ability to merge Atlassian accounts to a single account with secondary emails that provide the following workaround to "merge/switch" different Atlassian Accounts from different Cloud Instance that might be helpful for some use-cases.


There is currently no way to have multiple email addresses associated with a single Atlassian account. We can, however, make all Atlassian Cloud sites that were previously accessed via multiple Atlassian accounts use just one.

Note that this step only applies if the email addresses are using the same username like test@abc.com and test@example.com
The user whose email address is to be changed can be deleted via the site administration console. Then simply recreate the user, ensuring that the username is the same. This is important so that the user remains associated with the same profile in JIRA and Confluence.

For email addresses that are using different email addresses, you would need to:

  1. Create new account for the user
  2. Manually move the issues to the new user account (comments and user history will still associate with old user account)
  3. Deactivate the old user account

This is not the more accurate answer in regards to the original request here, but it still might have some interest for someones.

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Jérémie Campari
August 17, 2018

It doesn't solve my use case.

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
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August 17, 2018

Hi @Jérémie Campari,

Understandably! Adrien was simply sharing his post as some users are having this issue due to the fact that you cannot merge accounts. He's sharing it as an alternative solution for users that find themselves in this situation.

Feel free to vote on whichever feature request best suits your needs!

Thank you again for your feedback.



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