ow can I see a list of all due dates, by "card view?

John Lane
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July 13, 2017

Hi.  I use Trello extensively and really see the value, especialy assigning due dates.  Unfortuntely, I cannot figure out how to see a list of all cards by due date.  Like a reminder list on Mac or in Outlook.

I can sort cards in the image below but there does not seem to be much granularity or flexibility.


Thank you


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Atlassian Team
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July 17, 2017

Hi John,


You're in the right place! That page, the My Cards page, will only show you cards that you're a member of. There isn't currently a way of seeing all cards that have a due date at all without being a member of the cards, but any cards that you join will show up on this page. Let me know if you have any questions!

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