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overlapping card problem

Elise Bertin
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May 24, 2023

Dear All, 

There is an overlapping card problem on my trello. Some cards of my trello overlap, how do I proceed to remove this display issue?
I am using the Trello App on Macbook 

Thank you, 

Best regards, 

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Nigel Muntz
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June 21, 2023

I have the same issue, all cards overlap and makes Trello unusable as you can't find any info you need! Everything worked find in old Trello, but the new Trello, that we where all forced to use from 15th June, there is clearly a bug causing this to happen. I followed the advice to update Browser, clear cache etc but this doesn't fix the issue.


See attached imageScreenshot 2023-06-21 at 23.34.17.png

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Dreamsuite Mike
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May 27, 2023

From someone in the Trello team.

We have seen reports of these bugs in desktop apps, but haven’t been able to reproduce at all. We’ve found that refreshing the app or reinstalling it should fix the issue. It’s not ideal, but we don’t think it’s happening to very many users, so it’s the best we have right now.


Please all report the issue to Trello if you haven't done already 

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Dreamsuite Mike
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May 24, 2023

This has come up several times recently. My best recommendation is to contact the support team:


Screenshot 2023-05-24 110749.png

Marie-France Paquin
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May 24, 2023


I have issues with overlapping cards and comments that won't save or saves in another cards..

It started with the new graphic version of Trello and even thought, i'm going for the old one.. Problems persists.

Help !! it's very annoying !

Thanks for your help



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Carlos J_ Garrido
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May 27, 2023

Same problem with new Trello updating. Very frustrating. I cannot longer use the Trello desktop version (window 10) because is a mess. Cards overlap and comments are not properly recorded.  I have seen this bug is several complaints but none of the solutions works. I hope they are working on solving this critical issue.



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