option to back up data

Katherine Williams
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November 28, 2023

Hi Team,


Please can you confirm what plan allows for our data to be backed up? Can this be done automitcally ? 

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Brittany Joiner
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November 28, 2023

@Katherine Williams i don't know if a specific plan has that, but there are power-ups that do things like this. Primarily Rewind's Backups for Trello, but also the Amazing Field's Power-Up has a feature that does this too.

Dreamsuite Mike
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November 28, 2023
Gary Liddington
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November 30, 2023

I'd also say having someone who can pull the workspace backup for you, and then someone who can write some code to interpret the json that get's produced is a good approach.

When backing your data up you want to keep it somewhere local, and backup that via whatever approach your company uses. As @Dreamsuite Mike said Trello aren't responsible for the backups!

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