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butler automation variables

CarPoster Company June 20, 2023

HI guys! I am stuck in this automation process: 

THIS RUNS SUCCESSFULLY: when custom field "get started" is checked by anyone, move the card to the top of list "PRIORITY/THIS WEEK", move the due date to the same day next week, add member @Rudy to the card, add the "***exibit prep" checklist to the card, add the "***venue prep" checklist to the card, add the "***legal prep" checklist to the card, and add the "***communication prep" checklist to the card

ISSUE: I WANT all the checklists to be renamed. More specifically I want the client name to be added to the checklist titel (eg. ***venue prep becomes Babs venue prep. The client name Babs is registered in the custom field "client name" in the card.

Can anybody help?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 21, 2023

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out!

Right now, it's not possible to rename checklists using automation. I definitely understand how this could be helpful, so I've flagged this as a feature request with the product team!

Would you mind expanding a little more on your use case here? Any additional context you can add would really help! I'll be passing your feedback on to our product team, and want to ensure we've captured your use case.

The Trello Team

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