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Nid IT Weerapong Binsoh March 10, 2024

Let's say you buy 1 account as STD and invite more than 10 people to join the board with you as a free account participants.

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Dreamsuite Mike
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March 10, 2024

You can subscribe to Trello Standard/Premium in your workspace.  It will be charged based on the number of Workspace Members or Multi-Board Guests.

So if it is just you as a premium/standard user and the other 10 staff are single-board guests, you will only pay $6/mo or $60/yr

If your members go to more than 1 board, you will have to pay for their subscription

Nid IT Weerapong Binsoh March 25, 2024

if user and the more than 10 staff are single-board guests, how to charged

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