automation email with detailed information

Jason Adams January 11, 2025

Hello everyone and thank you in advance. 


I have set up automations in Trello that work amazing. The only issue is they lack key details that does notify a specific person but there is no real detailed information in this automated email. 


For example:


I have client A watch. I provide client A with a shipping label. Client A does not ship the watch in over 2.5 weeks. I move client A from my list "emailed shipping label" to my list "client has not shipped over 2 weeks."

I have a automation to send the service management a email with subject client has not shipped in over 2 weeks. The email body has a generic explanation of that I provided a shipping label to a client but they have not shipped this. Can you please contact the client to confirm they still have issues with thier watch. 


The issue is that the service department then has to open Trello, find the list, and then go through which ones they have or has not contacted. 


what I am looking for is when I move a card from the list, "emailed shipping label" to "client has not shipped over 2 weeks" the automation will include the name of the card that I moved into the list. 


I also have lists like "Quality Assurance/Quality Check", "Completed Warranty/Preparing to ship to client," and "Completed Non-warranty/waiting for release from Horologium."

These automatons I would also like for the card name to automatically be added into the email when the automation is triggered. But i cannot find a option for such a thing to happen. 

1 answer

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Sahir Maharaj
Rising Star
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January 11, 2025

Hello @Jason Adams

Based on my understanding, the issue with lacking detailed information in automation emails can be resolved by including variables in the email body.

In Trello automations, you can use placeholders such as {cardname} to dynamically include the card's title in the email content. For your scenario, modify the automation rule to add this placeholder, ensuring the email includes the relevant card name when it’s triggered.

If you’re unable to find this option in the automation interface, double-check the rule editor for customizable fields or explore using the Butler automation tool. For more advanced use cases, the API can be leveraged to enhance the automation capabilities.

If you still face challenges, I suggest contacting Atlassian Support:

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