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add/delete items from checklists

peter Forbes
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November 16, 2022

We used to easilly add items or delete them from our checklists and it would just update to the new checklist when a card was added to a list but all of a sudden this has stopped and out checklists are not updating moving forward. Does anyone know what we need to do so that if a checklist is added to or modified that becomes the new checklist moving forward.

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Felipe Marques Noll
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 23, 2022

Hi Peter, welcome to the Atlassian community! I hope you're enjoying Trello.

It sounds like you're trying to use Butler to copy the checklist from another card. If so, you'll just need to create a template checklist on a card somewhere, then link to that in your Butler command.

Making a card to hold the template checklist is the first step. That should ideally be hidden elsewhere, where it won't be changed frequently, like a Templates list.

Once you have the card created and the checklist set up, copy the link to the card—we'll need that for Butler.

Next, open Butler and edit the command you currently have created. Remove the current action that adds the checklist, so we can add it again, but in a different way.

When setting up the "Add checklist" action, add the name of the checklist and then, you'll see a bullseye icon that you can open. Select that and paste the card link in there, which tells Butler to use the checklist from that card.

Now you're telling Butler, to use the template checklist from this card and add it. After that, you'll just need to add the action to your rule and save.

We have some documentation that may help you with Cards Templates here:

However, if the issue persists. Since your situation seems very specific, I would like to take a closer look at it. in this case, Could you please create a ticket with us by accessing and selecting the option "Report a bug"? It would be very helpful to investigate further and report the bug to our development team if this is the case.


All the Best!

Felipe Noll

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