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Marianne Solibieda December 5, 2024

My Trello account has been deactivated as of today. Could you please help me recovering my board ?


4 answers

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Marianne Solibieda December 6, 2024

Thank you for all your answers.

My admin has just accepted to give me back access to this board to recover my tickets. 

My To do list is now safe :D


2 votes
Gaurav Kataria
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 5, 2024

If your employer has deactivated your Trello account (associated with your work email address), then you will need to contact your IT admin. However, if it is your personal account then try resetting the password to see if that helps. 

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Renato Fagaraz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 6, 2024

Hi @Marianne Solibieda !

I think mostly the other answer already cover what would be your next steps here, but I'd also add that the message that says "You don’t have permission to access this content" also shows up when you have a link to a board you weren't shared access.

So for instance, if someone on your team copies the board URL and sends it to you, instead of sharing access, you'll be prompted with that message. The same thing will happen if someone actively removes you from a board. 

Lastly, try to make sure you're not using a different account on accident! Using the social login buttons "Login with Google/Login with Apple/etc" can have you accidently creating a 2nd account, one without all your boards. 

Hopefully this one or the other answers help! Have a great one! 

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Aaron Pavez _ServiceRocket_
Community Leader
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December 5, 2024

Hi @Marianne Solibieda 

Sadly we the community cannot help you with that.

Please reach out to Atlassian for help:



Marianne Solibieda December 5, 2024

Is there a way to get back the elements I got in this board ? The link you share is absolutly not helpfull. I would like to get maybe just a copy. I don't understand how it is possible to delete an account without a warning before and with no explanation.


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