Why is the creator of a card sometimes not shown?

Mark Jeronimus September 16, 2022

How can I guarantee that the creator of cards is consistently shown across all users of Trello web?


I just got scolded at work because I parked a card with quality issues (not the pictured one) in another list and they told me I should have personally gone to the creator of the card and tell him to fix it. I told him there was no way for me to know the creator. Long pause, and he showed me on his screen where I can find the author. I was stunned as in that location I have nothing. On his screen it said "<creator> added card to <list>" along with a profile picture and date. I showed him my screen and he was just as puzzled. I tried different browsers including the one he uses, and tried incognito mode with plugins disabled. As far as I can tell there's no difference except the accounts that are logged in.

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Brittany Joiner
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September 18, 2022

@Mark Jeronimus if you click "show details" it should show up. 

You could also create an automation rule that assign a member to a card as soon it's created, or posts a comment. Just use the variable {username} and that will reference the person who did it. Like this: 




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