Why doesn't the print to PDF option work?

Paul LaBruzzo December 11, 2024

We use the "share" to print to PDF and this is not working. It partially works but it leaves items blank that are on the card. 


How does this get fixed? 

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Carolina Lopez
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 12, 2024

Hi @Paul LaBruzzo!

When you say it leaves items blank, are you referring to checklist items that are not displayed? If so, it seems you are running into a known issue that is being tracked in the following bug report here: TRELLO-816 

I encourage you to visit that bug, log in with your Atlassian account, and click Start watching this issue on the right panel. That way, when the ticket is updated by our development team, you'll be notified via email.

As a workaround, scroll down to the bottom of the card to allow all the checklist items to load, then print the card.

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