Why are the images in the description not displaying properly?

Peggy Tam
I'm New Here
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August 25, 2024

My colleague and I are sharing the same board. I placed images in the description, but when my colleague opens the same board and the same card, they can't see the images—the page displays "preview unavailable." How can I resolve this issue?

Thank you.1724128072014.gif

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Theodoro Reato
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 25, 2024

Hi Peggy, 

Welcome to the community,

Did you upload these photos or are you adding a link? If you're uploading the photos I'd recommend asking your colleague to troubleshoot their browser:

1- Clear the browser's cache and cookies.

2- If that doesn't work test with a different supported browser like Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Edge

3- Test with an incognito window. 

If you're using a link to add the images, your colleague probably doesn't have access to those links and you'd need to troubleshoot their permission on it. 

I hope this helps, have a great day.

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