When looking at integrating Trello and Jira do I need to have paid subscriptions for both?

Deleted user June 1, 2020

I am currently using Trello to gather requirements and need to integrate it with Jira to then create a backlog for the project. I am trying to understand what the requirements are to allow them to integrate. Will I need to be a paying subscriber to Trello and will this need to then purchase the Power Up from Unito?


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Michael Pryor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 1, 2020

No, you do not need to be a paid subscriber of either.  You also don't necessarily *need* Unito, but it will do some fun things for you if you want that kind of setup - and Unito is a paid 3rd party service.

Deleted user June 2, 2020

Thanks Michael!

How would I would I therefore integrate the two and pass info across, ideally without Unito?

Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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June 2, 2020

@[deleted] you might find the Butler actions to create Jira issues and comments useful:

2020-06-02 at 10.03 pm.pngIf you're using these heavily you'll probably want to grab at least a Gold subscription to Trello but you might find you run out of quota unless you're on a Business Class team (even if it's only a "team of one" for yourself).

This won't create a two way link like Unito does, though. The specifics of the best way to integrate them will really depend on your use case, there are many different ways to skin that cat.

Deleted user June 2, 2020


For context, as a business we are currently using Jira Kanban boards to manage projects. Recently, one of the project team members has signed themselves up for a basic Trello account and using it to for requirements gathering having read that it was more flexible for this. 

Once the requirements gathering is completed we are then looking to then move these requirements from Trello into our Jira board to create the backlog of work. This would be our potential use going forward if there is an easy enough way to do this. 

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