When integrating Trello with Calendar, is it possible to have recurring appearances of a card?

Mark Millhone May 4, 2017

This is something different from dues dates.  

I want to use Trello for collaborative curiculum planning.  On the card we would have all information and workflow associated with developing a course - on the calendar view, i want to be able to schedule the course on a weekly basis for an entire semester with all of the card information associated with it.  I have seen power ups for Card Repeater and for Trellius and for Google Calendar - haven't been able to see if it really addresses this need.  Thanks!  M  

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Atlassian Team
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May 5, 2017

Hey Mark,

Right now, we don't have the ability to repeat due dates with the card repeater since our due dates are absolute and not relative.

That being said, this is a common request so I'll pass the feedback onto the team!

Trello Support

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