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Webhook validation failing after changing SSL certificate and DNS registries

Aron Archimowicz
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January 29, 2021

I've developed a service that creates cards on a trello board and then it creates a webhook for tracking that card movements.
This services was running successfully for almost 2 years.
Yesterday I had to migrate the service to another platform and that causes I had to create another Certificate for the HTTPS communication and also changes on the DNS registries to point to the new service platform.
Now each time my service tryies to create a webhook for a trello card, I get this error:

{"message":"URL ( not reachable. Error: tunneling socket could not be established, statusCode=503","error":"ERROR"}

Note: The HTTPS HEAD call that Trello makes to validate the webhook URL is never reaching my servers.

If I do the same HEAD request by myself, my service is properly responding a 200 OK response.

Thanks in advance

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archi3315 January 30, 2021

After two days, the webhook callback started working again. 

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