Trying to move a list and it moves it back

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October 23, 2022

I am just trying to move a list over to another board I know about the button at the top of the list we are pressing that however every time we move a list Trello states "Move Failed" and moves the board back to the original board? 

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Alex W
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 23, 2022

Hey @kathryn - welcome to the Community!

Hmm, this seems like a bug, so I've raised a ticket for you with Trello Support. This ticket is TRELLO-135780.

Once you get email confirmation of that ticket being raised, do you mind adding a screen recording to the ticket of this issue? 

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
October 25, 2022

Hi Alex was just glitch it ended up working for us in the end thanks! 

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