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Trello automation with due date passed and added labels

Svenja Roell March 1, 2023

Hey Guys


ive been trying to automate my cards that if a card has a follow up with due date in 2 days that if that expires the card turns to last follow up automatically and if after 3 days due date has expired it moves to the onhold list.


I tried saying when a card has expired - but I don't know if it needs another prompt or if it can automatically after the due day is met to mark as complete for it to then add the required labels.


My big thing is I work in recruitment and I want to not have to go through all cards and i have automatic emails that get sent and if they don't reply i don't want to go through a dead list.

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Dreamsuite Mike
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March 1, 2023

In automation, you can set due date commands in like,

3 days after a card is due, move the the card to list "On Hold"

Check this help page

Creating and managing automations | Trello | Atlassian Support

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