Dzień dobry,
Właśnie opłaciłam Trello Standard i mam 2 pytania.
Czy w Trello Premium jeden gość może być na więcej niż jednej tablicy bez dodatkowych opłat?
Jeśli tak to czy mogę przejść z Trello standard na Trello Premium neutralizując opłatę za Trello Standard, żeby nie płacić 2 razy?
Good morning,
I just paid for Trello Standard and I have 2 questions.
In Trello Premium, can one guest be on more than one board without additional fees?
If so, can I switch from Trello Standard to Trello Premium and neutralize the fee for Trello Standard so as not to pay twice?
Hi Anita!
For Trello Standard or Premium, additional fees will incur after adding Multi-Board Guests, however, single-board guests are not billed. To clarify, a guest is someone who is on a board, but not on the Trello workspace that the board belongs to.
This means there is no need to switch between Standard to Premium unless you'd like to pay more for Premium features.
For more information:
I hope this helps, but let us know if you have any questions!
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