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Trello Bitbucket Powerup via commit message / git-flow style

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March 12, 2018

I'm looking for a developer friendly way to connect managing todo tickets on Trello and the code on Bitbucket.

The Bitbucket power-up looks promising and the card info is useful once connected with a branch.

But the only way to connect tickets to code is by manually searching for the branch/commit from the trello ticket or create a branch from the web interface.

Ideally I would like to keep using git-flow that creates nice structured branches depending on working on a feature, hot-fix etc. So after creating a branch that way I would like to attach it to a ticket (and ideally move that ticket to a different list for being in progress).

Is it possible to attach a bitbucket branch (and move between lists) via api call? Then I could create a local script to combine using git flow and by including a card id to the commit message could make the connection between new branch and trello card.

The second connection I would like to automate is that when merging a branch back into dev/master the already linked ticket should move to a different done list.

I was also looking at zapier, but Trello there doesn't include the bitbucket powerup functions like attaching a branch or finding a card by linked bitbucket branch.

Would I need to write my own trello powerup from scratch for such a functionality? Any idea where and how to get started on this?

The way the powerup is explained to work looks like duplicate work with manual moving tickets and I'm not sure how to convince my fellow developers that it is worth the extra work

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Crystal Davis
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 15, 2018

Hi Friederike,


Crystal from Trello Support here.

You can attach the link to the branch via the API and the Power-up on the front end will pick it up and display it properly. You can also post an attachment to the card via the API as well as move the cards on the board. You can find out more about that in this section of the API doc:


I hope that helps!

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
March 16, 2018

Hi Crystal,

Thanks for your answer! So do I understand it correctly, that via the API I attach the bitbucket branch as an url attachment? And since the trello board is linked with the bitbucket power-up this then will do the correct linking?

Do I need to use a specific name for the attachment? How can I find out how the bitbucket branch is called?

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