Trello: As an Admin User, how do I remove another Admin User?

Jamie Suid February 9, 2023

I have a now former employee Admin of one of our Trello Workspaces that I need to remove. 

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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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February 9, 2023

@Jamie Suid Welcome to the Atlassian community

it depends on what version you are using.  Here are some helpful articles.  

Jamie Suid February 9, 2023

Thank you! In my case this person is actually a guest, but I don't see anything obvious to remove them. trello ana2.PNG

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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February 9, 2023

@Jamie Suid What plan are you on?  It looks like the workspace guest created the board hence the reason they are the board admin.  

Jamie Suid February 9, 2023

Free plan. Yes they created the board under my Workspace account. 

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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February 9, 2023

@Jamie Suid You will have to either have them change it and make you admin or follow the steps here: 

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