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The Evernote power says it's not linked when it is.

Deleted user February 23, 2018

It was working a few minutes ago. Now, it keeps asking me to link to my account. I've tried re-authorizing at least 8 times. I got the email that the accounts are linked. I tried de-authorizing, then connecting again. 

Everytime I click on create a note, it tells me I have to link my account first. What's up and how do I fix it?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 26, 2018

Hi Anne Louise,

would you mind trying a different browser or the current browser in incognito mode to see if you observe the same?

If that does not help would you mind sending the error console of the browser and a screenshot of what it looks like for you to ?

You can find instructions on how to open the console here:

Deleted user February 28, 2018

Okay. I sent the stuff to support. It doesn't look like ti went through, but I clicked all the requested buttons. 

I also tried clearing the cache, tried Edge (man, that browser sucks), tried it on my Chromebook. Same thing. Would you like the screen shots I pulled from the error console and from what happens?

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