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Subtasks including custom fields

RH July 25, 2023


When I create a subtask from the main card into a new list.

the information in the customfields is not included and do not see an option for this.

how do I get this information in the subtask card?

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RH July 28, 2023

Another Question.


How do I do this;


When a Parent card in list project is archived. -> archive all child cards

Dreamsuite Mike
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July 28, 2023

When a card in list "Project" is archived, for each item linked in checklist "Subtasks", archive the card

RH July 31, 2023

Where do I find "the for each item linked in checklist "Subtasks"

In the Cascade menu I only see "for each card linked or for each checklist item...

RH July 31, 2023

I did this and it seem to work;


when a card in list "Project" is archived, for each card linked from an item in checklist "SubTasks", archive the card

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Dreamsuite Mike
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July 25, 2023

Hi @QC QC 

Are you creating the subtasks by using the "convert checklist item to card" automation?

RH July 26, 2023

HI Mike,


I have been following your tutorial on parent-child card linking.

But think i need a more elaborated explanation.

especially on how to implement this in on my board.

I will check/add the "convert checklist item to card"

Dreamsuite Mike
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July 26, 2023

To my constant annoyance, it isn't easy to lookup custom field values from a linked card. However, in your case, I think there is a solution...

Luckily this is a scenario I have had before too...

It is a relatively tricky one, however...


Instead of convert the checklist to card you actually copy the card with automation... (17).gif
Here is the automation:

Screenshot 2023-07-26 091924.png


Note, you have to have the condition "when an item not starting with" to stop an infinite loop.

RH July 26, 2023

Hi Mike,


Thanks for the fast response.

I have found this way as well. Not the way I would like to see it.

But the main info is visible.


On the parent-child tutorial im facing a issue and I do not know why it is not working for me.

I can delete from the parent card the task and it will delete the child card in the "to do" list

but when I delete the child in "to do" card it still shows up on the parent card.

Screenshot 2023-07-26 at 11.17.30.png

Dreamsuite Mike
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July 26, 2023

For that, the automation that should work is:

when a card not in list "Project" is archived, find the first card linked in attachments and remove the item "{triggercardlink}"

Let me know if that does/doesn't work...

RH July 26, 2023

Thanks I now see where I went wrong with this automation.

I had "is in" instead of "not in"


Now it does what it suppost to do.

Now to figure out how to implement this in the working board

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RH August 25, 2023

Hi Mike,


I need your help again.

After the child card are moved to the done list. I have created a action that the parent card moves from the project list to the invoice list.

How do I get all the child card to move as well?

RH August 25, 2023

Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 10.44.33.png

Dreamsuite Mike
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August 25, 2023

I think the first automations would be:


When the checklist "Subtasks" is completed, move the card to the list "Invoice"


When a card with the checklist "Subtasks" completed is moved to the list invoice, for each item linked in checklist "Subtasks", move the card to the list "Invoice"

Do you really want the subtasks to go to the Invoicing list though?  
In setups like this, I would have an automation that archives the subtasks when parent card moves to "Invoice Paid"

RH August 28, 2023

I was thinking the same thing.

but after some discussions here we decided to keep the subtasks for the invoice.


The parent card contains the entire scope of the project. and than be dived in smaller sub projects which need to be billed once that particular job has been completed.

a parent card can stay for a long period of time.


Is there a guide on creating automations? It all seems pretty straight forward but I notice there are alot of extra things you can do like "linking cards" which is not really being explained.

thus I keep coming back to the forum for answers but this can take a lot of time.

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