Sharing public checklists

Doriano Paisano Carta
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April 26, 2017

Will Trello ever allow us to create and share public checklists that other users can easily copy to their trello account? For example, I was the one who created a popular public checklist on wunderlist for all of the best picture Oscar winners that tons of users copied to their own wunderlist accounts.

I know Trello has a basic import/export option but it's not as quick or easy as it should be. We should be allowed to copy any checklist or card or even board to our own trello account. 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 27, 2017

In general, we do allow to copy cards, lists or boards:

Also you could copy a public board. A good example of this feature are our inspiration boards, that you could copy to your account to continue working on:

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