Setting Master Dates in a Board Template

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December 31, 2024

I am not sure I am even using the correct nomenclature with this question so bear with me.

Is there a way to create a board template with a master date that guides all of the other due dates on the tasks and to-do lists within the board?

Let me explain:

We organize trips for people.  Each trip have the same tasks each time so it makes sense to create a master template and then reuse and rename the template for each new trip we do.

The way I have to do it now is when I create a new trip, I have to go in and manually change the due dates of each task and to-do by selecting a date on the built-in calendar in Trello for each task or to-do.

Is there a way that I can create a task or a to-do item and just have the date automatically set off a master date?

In other words, it'd be nice to have a field for a master date in the template and when I do the various tasks, I can just put something like:

Task 1 Due Date:  2 weeks before Master Date (date of trip)

Task 2 Due Date:  1 month before Master Date

Task 3 Due Date:  2 months before Master Date

...and so on.

Then, when I copy and re-use the template for a new trip, I can set the date of the trip in the master date, and the tasks and to-dos automatically create their own date based on the blanket due dates that feed from a master date.

Does that make sense?

Here's a video that may help ilustrate the way I am doing it now:

Thank you in advance for any guidance you may able to share..


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Alisson Sartor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 7, 2025

Hello, Russell

Welcome to the community and happy new year.

Maybe you can try to use automation to help you on the process, you can check more information on the link below

Kind Regards

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
January 7, 2025

Thanks for the info but I don't believe any of that addresses what I am trying to do.

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