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Set due date not triggering

I'm New Here
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March 15, 2024

Hi there, 

this rule

when a due date less than 14 days from now is set on a 
card in list "A" in list "B" in list "C" in list "D" in list "E",
copy the card to the bottom of list "Upcoming (14 days)" on board "AA"

is not working. I except it to copy the card to the list after I set a due date less than 14 days from now on one of the mentioned lists. What am I missing?

I changed the list and board names. Thanks for any help!

Best regards


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Ste Wright
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March 16, 2024

Hi @Christian 

This seems to work for me when one List was selected, but not multiple - probably because the rule is checking for issues in both lists rather than either/or.

You could create multiple rules, one per list?


I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
March 18, 2024

Multiple rules, one per list, did it. Thanks a lot! :-)

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