See all the Trello cards made by one user, but not assigned to that user

Kelvin Valdes February 6, 2024

Hi, I want to see all the Trello Cards Made by me, but not assigned to me.

I am tasked with double checking all the cards I have made since I was hired and to check every card that I have worked on but did not create will be days of hours of searching. Could I consolidate this search? 

I know every card I have made is a copy of the template and it says my name, but I don't think I can search by the comments.

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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February 6, 2024

@Kelvin Valdes unfortunately "created by" is not a search operator Trello offers. You could create a butler rule to automatically add the creator name to a custom field or label, but this wouldn't apply retroactively. Is there any unique identifier in the card title or specific labels that could help narrow down your search? These are the available search operators:

-operator - You can add “-” to any operator to do a negative search, such as -has:members to search for cards without any members assigned.

@name - Returns cards assigned to a member. Typing member:membername also works. @me will include only cards you’re a member of.

board:name - Returns cards within a specific board. You can also search by board name, such as board:keyword, which returns cards on boards with the keyword in the board name. For example board:Trello would return cards on boards with “Trello” in the board name. board:id also works.

created:day - Returns cards created in the last 24 hours. created:week and created:month also work as expected. You can search for a specific day range. For example, adding created:14 to the search will include cards created in the last 14 days.

description:checklist:comment:, and name: - Returns cards matching the text of card descriptions, checklists, comments, or names. For example, comment:"FIX IT" will return cards with “FIX IT” in a comment.

due:day - Returns cards due within 24 hours. due:week returns cards that are due within the following 7 days. due:month, and due:overdue also work as expected. You can search for a specific day range. For example, adding due:14 to search will include cards due in the next 14 days. You can also search for due:complete or due:incomplete to search for due dates that are marked as complete or incomplete.

edited:day - Returns cards edited in the last 24 hours. edited:week and edited:month also work as expected. You can search for a specific day range. For example, adding edited:21 to the search will include cards edited in the last 21 days.

has:attachments - Returns cards with attachments. has:descriptionhas:coverhas:members, and has:stickers also work as you would expect.

is:open returns open cards. 

is:starred - Only include cards on starred boards.

label: - Returns cards with a specific label. For example, label:"FIX IT" will return cards with the label named “FIX IT”. label:labelcolor, #labelcolor or #labelname also work.

list:name - Returns cards within the list named “name”. Or whatever you type besides “name”.

sort: - Returns cards sorted by creation date, due date, or edited date. sort:createdsort:duesort:editedsort:-edited work as you would expect.

Kelvin Valdes February 7, 2024

Hi, Thank you!
While I was able to solve my issue with "created:#" where # is the days I have worked on the board, it might help someone else solve their issue if they are copying a template and in the activity details it says:

"User copied this card from Template Card Name in list Name of list that template is in
Or could I search for copied comments from that template but with my name on the activity saying:
"User copied comment by Other User from card Template Card Name"
Is there something that I could use to dig for this sort of information on a card?

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