Renaming a card automatically using a custom field from the trigger card.

Jack Henderson May 2, 2024

I use the following automation rule to create a linked card from a checklist item and rename the linked card to reference the trigger card name.

when an item is added to a checklist in a card in list "Project cards", convert the item to a linked card in list "Coming up" copying members, rename the card to "{triggercardname}- {cardname}", and move the card to the top of list "Coming up"

This works great, but as the 'project cards' names are full property addresses, the 'coming up' list card names are very long. I want to rename the new linked card to reference a custom field in the trigger card called 'reference' so a shorter reference can be used to rename the linked card.

Any ideas?

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Dreamsuite Mike
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May 2, 2024

Hi Jack,

Here is a solution...Create a custom text field called Property reference

Create these automations.


When a card is create in list "Project cards", set the custom field "Property reference" to "REF{cardnumber}"

This step gives you reference you can use...If you want you can leave out this automation and  manually set this field, just make sure the field is set before creating any checklist items. 



When an item not starting with "regex:/https:\/\/trello\.com\/c|REF/" - is added to checklist "{checkistname}", remove the item {checklistitemname} and add the item "{{%Property reference}} - {checklistitemname}"



When an item starting with "REF{*}" is added to Checklist "{checklistname}", convert the item to a linked card, copying members and labels


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