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Pulling content from attachments

Galaxy Investor
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March 22, 2023


I was wondering if there is a possible way to pull contents from a google doc attached to a card and send it to an email in trello?

I want the automation to extract the info and place it into an email with proper formatting.

Thank you in advance 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 23, 2023

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out!

Right now, it's not possible to extract content from attachments in Trello. You'll need to manually copy that context from the Google Doc and add it to the custom email report you send from Trello.

Please let us know if you have any other questions, and we'll be happy to help.

All the best,

The Trello Team

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