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One tableau that rules them all ?

Fabien Lemoine
I'm New Here
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January 29, 2018


I'm quite new in the Trello world and still leveraging this tool.
I'm guessing I have "one tableau that rules them all".
A part of my job is to deploy our dedicated systems (hardware + software) on many different sites around the globe.

For this we do need a lot of informatiosn and also a lot of collaboration between different people (IT Expert, Data scientist, Project Mger...).

So I've created a dedicated tableau per site where we have to deploy or solution.

I'm wondering if I could have a higher view on a dedicated tableau that is linked to "child tableau" and that summarize some information ?

Is it something that do already exist within Trello (or any addons) ?

thanks in advance for your help on that point.


2 answers

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Qasim August 13, 2019

Hi @Fabien Lemoine


You can accomplish this quite easily with Unito. I recommend taking a look at our resource on creating master boards in Trello. You can find the link below! I think you'll find it super helpful. 


How to Create a Master Board in Trello (Webinar/Tutorial):

Let me know if you have any more questions, or need any further assistance!




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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 30, 2018

Hi Fabien,


There isn't any great way to look at a group of boards, or a sort of overview of boards. One of Trello's core ideas is maintaining a "shared perspective," so we want everyone viewing a board to see it in the same way, and in the same context.


What you can do instead is create your own overview board with cards, and then add a link to the original card on the new card so that you can refer back to it easily. When you attach a link to a Trello card on another card, it will display a preview of that card, and will show which board and list it belongs to:


You can also click on the "Connect cards" link to make it a 2-way link, so that both cards link to each other. This won't sync any data, but is an easy way to connect two separate cards or boards.

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