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Olá ! Me colocaram em uma área de trabalho como convidade e não consigo sair. Como faço?

Edson Roberto Macena de Britto Junior
I'm New Here
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May 7, 2023

Olá ! Me colocaram em uma área de trabalho como convidade e não consigo sair. Como faço?
a opção SAIR não me aparece.


um funcionarios antigo da empresa (adm do quadro), criou um quadro e me colocou. Funcionario saiu da empresa e deixou o quadro aberto (lembrando que a área de trabalho é minha), e não consigo sair…

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Alina Kurishko
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 9, 2023

Hi Edson, 

Welcome to the Atlassian Community! 

I hope you don't mind me answering in English 🙂

You should be able to leave any board by going to that board's menu (three horizontal dots in the upper right corner of the board page next to the member icons) and selecting More > Leave board. 

This flow is described in the article at

If you're having trouble leaving the board, might that be you're the only admin of that board? If so, I can recommend either closing the board or making another user an admin of it. This process is also described in the article I mentioned above. 

If you're still having trouble with this issue, I encourage you to submit a ticket at providing some additional information (like a link to the board, a screenshot of the problem, etc.) so we could help you more directly. 

I hope this information helps!

Alina | The Trello Team

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