Not receiving email verification

Bob Caine
I'm New Here
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September 4, 2024

I have tried multiple times to get my email verification for <REMOVED FOR PRIVACY> I had to use a different email here just to be able to ask the question. I can't contact support because it say I haven't verified my email.  

How are you suppose to contact support about not receiving my email verification message when you email has to be verified to contact them? Maybe they don't want any new users.

How do I break out of this loop?

I have read in other posts that if the first email bounced for some reason, no more will be sent and support has to fix it on their end. But, I can't contact them without verifying my email.

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Alisson Sartor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 6, 2024

Hello, Bob!

I checked our mails and couldn't see any block, I sent you a new confirmation via email and a password reset that will also confirm your account., can you check to see if you received ti?

Kind Regards
Trello Team

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