Migration from Trello to Atlassian failed

Deleted user March 21, 2020

Hi, I started the migration from trello to atlassian and lost all my boards. I think it it has to do with my account. I was signed in with one email adress at trello. in the migration process i was forced to decide with which email adress i want to sign in. they offered me three option (3 of my email adresses) I chose the google adress which differs from the one i used for trello all the time. 

The result was that i lost all my boards and i can't switch or change to the other adress anymore.

Please can anybody help me. the boards are pretty important


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Iain Dooley
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March 21, 2020

@[deleted] what happens if you log out and then try to log back in using the address you used to use for Trello all the time?

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