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Message "Preview files in folder"

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March 9, 2020

depuis quelques temps, un message apparaît lorsqu'un membre de l équipe avec qui je partage mes tableaux ouvre une carte.

Le message "Preview files in folder" apparaît. Il faut cliquer dessus, s’identifier puis quitte la carte pour qu'à sa réouverture les fichiers partagés via google drive apparaissent.

Pourquoi ce message ?

Comment l'éviter (il n’apparaissait pas avant)

merci pour votre aideCapture preview.JPG

2 answers

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Esme Crutchley
Community Leader
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March 10, 2020

Sorry, another possibility - click on 'Google Drive' at the top of the board and click on 'Activate' and then go through the screens to re-authorise Google Drive.

I've found that if there's been an update to Google Chrome, I have to do this.

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Esme Crutchley
Community Leader
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March 10, 2020

Hi @Thierry CALDERON 

Welcome to the Community!

Do you have Nord or Dashlane running on Chrome? I know that when I have a specific Nord connection running on Chrome or the Dashlane Chrome extension enabled, I have a problem.

Also, keep an eye out for any ad-blocker, you need to whitelist the site so that you don't have any interruptions to service.

I switched all my Chrome extensions off and I went through them one by one one by one and switched them all on individually to see which ones were causing the problem.

Let us know if that helps

Esme :)

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