Make card button only visible for cards in a certain list and/or only visible to me

Qwerty Qwerty November 13, 2023

Hi all!

Wondering how I can make a card button only visible to me, but more importantly, only visible for cards in a specific list. I know you can make card buttons visible to everyone except yourself, but I'm looking for the opposite. Not sure if this is possible, could really use some guidance.


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Brittany Joiner
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November 14, 2023

@Qwerty Qwerty so you can't make them appear only in a specific list unfortunately, and as far as visibility, if you had this field unchecked then it means other people in the board won't see the button. 


I just tested and confirmed that my partner who is in the same board where i have this button cannot see the button.

Qwerty Qwerty November 16, 2023

Ah, thank you! Sorry for the late reply, didn't realize someone answered. I had that unchecked but wasn't sure if other people could see it or not.

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